Thank you for taking the time to visit our website. We are located in Ball Green area of Stoke-On-Trent, Staffordshire.
Take your time to pop in and get to know us more
Club Darts
The Club has a number of successful dart teams that are always happy for new players to join.
We host the Burslem and District League and have regular internal competitions.
Football Team
The club has a number of teams for you to either join of keep up with.
Pages for this are under construction at present
We have a variety of entertainment to cover a wide selection of tastes
Pool Table Addition as requested
The New Pool Table is now in
As we have had quite a few requests to get a pool table in we have done just that.
The new table is located in the main bar and will be £1.00 per play.
With the addition of this we will be looking to get some competitions running for members and looking into an in house league. Any ideas on this to make it more fun for all is very welcome.
We have had a shuffle around with the bar setup to make this fit i as well as we can